Sovereignty-driven, use-inspired research
Tribal nations are caretakers of approximately one-third of Arizona’s land. Arizona State University recognizes the sovereignty of the 22 federally recognized tribes in Arizona as well as all federally recognized tribes nationwide. Any research that potentially impacts a tribe or is conducted on tribal lands must respect the sovereignty of tribal nations. ASU is committed to collaborative, use-inspired research centered on Indigenous knowledge and tribal needs and interests. For more information on ASU’s commitment to tribal nations, communities and students, visit Office of American Indian Initiatives and ASU American Indian Success and Excellence.

Tribal consultation policy and protocol
All research that includes Native American participants or is conducted on tribal lands is subject to review as codified in the Arizona Board of Regents Tribal Consultation Policy (ABOR 1-118). This review process is designed to guide researchers and protect tribal interests and autonomy. ASU is committed to abiding by the appropriate protocols of each respective tribal nation. More information can be found at the ASU Office of Research Integrity and Assurance.